Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Writing Strengths and Weaknesses

Hello everyone.

(Well I say everyone, there could be no one there for all I know. You could all be watching the football or doing something interesting. Not like me. I'm just sat in front of this computer screen writing a blog. Then I just press publish and let the internet fairies do their work).

As you know I go to one of the leisure classes at a college in the nearby town of Northwich to study creative writing. And if you didn't know, you do now. And if you didn't know, where have you been? Are you sure you're on the right page? Although, if you are new to this blog then welcome. Join the party! We've got dancing girls.*

At last night's class I took a turn to read out a piece of my work. It was the first three pages of the story I 'm currently writing. I've read a few pieces out in the past and this was no different with the responses.

Overall everyone in the room liked the piece. They said that the dialogue was strong as was the opening scene with the band finishing their set in a grotty club.Which means I'm pretty good at the talking bits and opening at the right point. Well, I hear you ask, which bit did they say needed the improvement? It was some of the descriptive imagery and prose. So the question is: How do I improve on that part of the writing process?

But here is the thing. The little pieces of flash fiction have been pretty decent in the descriptive areas. And the story, which is called 'Sex, Blood and rock'n'roll', is in the very early stages (I've written about 7 pages at the moment which by my reckoning is about a quarter of the way through the plot). By the time it's finished the 'bar scene' might be a nice little part of it which deserves to stay in. But this is something I can decide on when the time comes. Whether it affected the pace of the story overall is another decision (the consensus was that it slowed the introduction down. To be honest, I thought that as I was reading it out).

See, its tricky to know what is right and what is wrong. Or is there truly a wrong when it comes to creative writing? Isn't it all down to opinion? I've no idea why I'm asking you all this. Sometimes Its just good to write it down and send it into the black void of internet blogging where it merges with all the other little blogs and becomes a part of a much greater community. Like the Borg. Except without the mechanical bits. I hope.

So I send this off. Go my little blog. Go and play with the others. Have fun.

What am I talking about? I knew I should have tried something else. Should have just chucked a load of bricks into a tin of blue paint or something then called it modern art. Probably have made a fortune from it as well.

Ta ta for now

*We haven't actually got dancing girls. Something to do with a restraining order.


  1. The opening sentence is somewhat in the style of Basil Boothroyd (you might need to google him - now dated but a witty diarist in their time). Good work.

  2. I was going to query the dancing girls until I read the last sentence, and then it all became clear ;-)
