Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The journey of writing part 2

So the story that I started writing the other day is now finished. Well sort of. The first draft is completed. It was longer than I thought it was going to be which I suppose isn't a bad thing. Or is it?

See that's the problem when writing your own stories. You never really know. Or at least I don't. And that's where a critique group comes in handy. For those that don't know (Probably not that many reading this) I go to a creative writing class at a nearby college. It's a fun class where people of different backgrounds, interests and, yes, ability come together to help and encourage each other in the pursuit of writing. Depending on the class size you might get to read a piece of your work once or twice a term. You read for about five minutes and then the rest of the class will give feedback about it.

And I hate it.

For two reasons:
1) I never know what to say. I prefer reading something two or three times before making a comment on someones work, so having to say somethng after one listen is very difficult.
2) Other people disagree, but I always think that what I say is complete drivel. It may not be but that's just me.

So I prefer to give it to some friends who will then read the whole piece before commenting on. To this end I, with a couple of friends from the class, have now got our own little group over on fb where we swap ideas and the such like. We do however stick with one principle from the class in that we say what we like and what we don't like. It works well.

And that's the next step. I will be sending it out them in the next day or so  and see what they think of it.

And no, you can't be in the group.