Friday, 23 November 2012

So here I am

"Get a blog" they said
"It will be fun" they said.
"You need to lay the groundworks for a fanbase when you are a published author" they said. (Well, ok, only one person said this but you get the point.)

So the great experiment begins.....

Blog, blog, bloggy, blog

All I see here is a blank page and it's my job to fill it with some words. About what exactly?

"Anything you like" they said. (See it's them again. Mouthy little buggers.)

Right then.

So, from now till the time comes when I can't be arsed continuing with this, I shall attempt to inform and entertain you, my worshipping follower, with my eyes view of how the world works. Or in some cases, how it doesn't work. Sometimes I'll endeavour to fill you in on my latest exploits in the field of creative writing. Sometimes it will be about Doctor Who. Other times it might be about the grey cat down the road. My mind wanders about the place, hence the title of this blog.

But by way of an introduction (Don't worry, I'll sort the rest of this out later)...

I'm Colin.
I'm 37 (at time of writing). If you're reading this in the year 3475 then I'm dead. Unless I became fabulously wealthy and cryogenics has recently cured whatever it was that killed me and has successfully returned me back to health.
I'm single.
I like science fiction, Everton FC and rock music.

Well, would you look at that. Words. On the page.
The great experiment has started....


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Colin. :)

  2. See? Easy! Now, stop wasting time blogging and get on with the book!

  3. An excellent start! xx

  4. See, easier than jumping off a cliff.

    *hides own dusty blog*
