Sunday, 25 November 2012

The difficult second post struggle

Good afternoon!

(Or good morning, good evening or whatever time it is where you are reading this. But it's 4:30pm Sunday afternoon where I am.)

It's interesting this blogging lark, isn't it? You start off with just the one to see how it works and then you start to wonder what to put into the second one. And the third one. And then the fourth one... But first things first. You have to write the second one yet. So what to put into it?


It's a bit more about me.

I'm a writer. Ish. I'm trying to be a writer. I have been trying for about five years or so. I have completed a first draft of a ghost story novel. Seriously I have. At the moment it's lying in a folder on a bookshelf just waiting to be edited. As is a play I wrote. They took a good long time to write as I tend to write in spurts. I have no idea what to do with them.
 But I also have written quite a few short stories. Some not bad. And that's when I had the big idea which came along at the same time as I got a Kindle. And when a friend of mine told me that he had put his novel on there I decided that's what I would do. And what I'm currently doing. But not with the novel. That needs lots of work doing to it. Anyway. around March to about June this year I had, I think, written a couple of  stories in quick succession. And they were ok. One called 'Best Served Cold' was pretty good. So, I thought to myself, I'm going to write about ten of these stories and put them into an anthology which I will then whack on to the Kindle and see what happens. At the time I had three (I think!) completed stories so I wanted another seven. The last one I got done was number seven. That was about two, maybe three, weeks ago. A couple of ideas were stewing in the back of mind over the course of the last couple of weeks but nothing was ready to go the page. This weekend, one started to come to the fore. Images started appearing in my mind, characters are starting to form and take shape. So I got out my art pad (I brainstorm ideas onto an A3 piece of paper) and started to fire stuff at the page. We're still not ready to get the story going just yet but the time of magic, when the characters start moving and talking and having lives of their own, is getting near.  The good thing about this blog is that I'll be able to put down any thoughts I have as I go along.

So that's one of my interests.

But if you want to know what I'm like personality wise...

Think Leonard from The Big Bang Theory only with a english accent and a smaller IQ. Yes, I know this has no relevance to what has been written in this update but, hey, my mind goes off on tangents sometimes and I've learnt over the years to just let it go. You lot are just going to have to try and keep up.

Ta ta for now!

Friday, 23 November 2012

So here I am

"Get a blog" they said
"It will be fun" they said.
"You need to lay the groundworks for a fanbase when you are a published author" they said. (Well, ok, only one person said this but you get the point.)

So the great experiment begins.....

Blog, blog, bloggy, blog

All I see here is a blank page and it's my job to fill it with some words. About what exactly?

"Anything you like" they said. (See it's them again. Mouthy little buggers.)

Right then.

So, from now till the time comes when I can't be arsed continuing with this, I shall attempt to inform and entertain you, my worshipping follower, with my eyes view of how the world works. Or in some cases, how it doesn't work. Sometimes I'll endeavour to fill you in on my latest exploits in the field of creative writing. Sometimes it will be about Doctor Who. Other times it might be about the grey cat down the road. My mind wanders about the place, hence the title of this blog.

But by way of an introduction (Don't worry, I'll sort the rest of this out later)...

I'm Colin.
I'm 37 (at time of writing). If you're reading this in the year 3475 then I'm dead. Unless I became fabulously wealthy and cryogenics has recently cured whatever it was that killed me and has successfully returned me back to health.
I'm single.
I like science fiction, Everton FC and rock music.

Well, would you look at that. Words. On the page.
The great experiment has started....