For those of you that are on my Facebook friends list you might have seen that my last update on there read like this:
'Excellent Doctor Who convention weekend. I will blog about it later. But, for the moment, it can be summed up thus:
David Tennant, Billie Piper, Torchwood, Sarah-Jane adventures, cups of tea, pints of lager, lots of laughter, Cissie and Ada...'
So now, dear reader, I give you the full version of the events. And we start at Friday lunchtime.
It was pissing down on Friday. All day. Now for me the journey to the hotel is only about 85 miles or so but I would have preferred it if the weather was a little nicer. Especially given the M6 motorway can be a sod at times. Thankfully the roads turned out to be fairly clear. Just wet. Very wet. So, being the pretty good driver that I am, I merely killed a bit of speed and put a bit of extra distance in between me and the car in front. Then spent most of the journey wondering how many of the other motorists on the motorway must have had the eyes of a hawk given that, in some cases, they were trying to break the speed of sound. But I made it to the hotel on the outskirts of Birmingham safely enough. Check into hotel, unpack and then register for the con. All done? Good, head to the bar. Because as everyone knows, at a british convention, this is where everyone hangs out. See, standing at the bar, some friends that I have made at previous cons. Had a pint and a chat. Now this is where the 'Cissie and Ada' part comes in. One such conversation topic with my mate Duane was about old-time comedians such as Tommy Cooper and Les Dawson. Les Dawson did a series of scetches with an actor called Roy Barraclough about to older women called Cissie and Ada which are hysterical even today (you can search them out on Youtube). And so began the weekend of randomly quoting these scetches while laughing like drains. For which I apologise to anyone who was standing next to us in the autograph and photo session queues. So after a bit of a drink, something to eat and a catch up with the peeps it was time to begin the Friday night party. Which was a lot of fun. Beer prices weren't too bad and its a good way to start the weekend.
Saturday was Torchwood day for me as I had my picture taken with two of the show's stars Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper) and Gareth David Lloyd (Ianto Jones). And very nice people they were too. I've heard a few negative comments regarding Eve but I didn't have anything untoward happen to me in the brief time when I had my photo taken with her and later in the autograph session though I'm not sure what some people expect. There were a couple of talks from actors, writers and producers of the show giving insights to the production process. All very interesting as well. The highlight of the Saturday at a con is the fancy dress competition and this one was no exception with costumes of amazingly high quality. I'm not much of a costumer but its still fun to watch these people show off in something that they have spent many loving hours preparing. Though I did notice that one guy who came as the SIXTH doctor had dark hair and not blonde. Maybe he couldn't find a good wig and didn't want to dye it but it did look kinda wrong. Anyway, once that was over, it was then on to yet more partying.
And so Sunday duly arrived. As did the headline actors of Billie Piper and the tenth doctor himself, David Tennant. This was where the con kicked up a gear. There were now two photo sessions with people queuing first, in my case anyway I'm not sure if it was the same for everyone, for Billie and then joing the second queue for David. Its all over far too quick. You can see when you are standing patiently in line, getting ever closer the excitement building. Then it's your turn. You say hi, turn to face the camera.... and click! Your moment is over. But you are still happy to have met them. Then its back to the main hall for more talks (some of the running jokes from Saturday are continued while others are started) and lunch. Before you know it, its time to join the autograph queue to say hi to David and Billie all over again. Not that they remembered me *pouts*. So get autographs and then get something to eat before going back into the main hall again to catch the remainder of the talks. Then the last talk of the event was the main duo on stage. And a fun Q&A session it was. Ok, some of the questions may be a little near the boundary of good taste but the two actors coped with them well enough and didn't seem unduly phased by them. It does happen quite a lot at conventions where you get a situation when a question sounds better and funnier in a person's head but for one reason or another comes out slightly wrong but for the most part all the queries are fine.
And then they were gone. Every guest was brought back onto the stage to say their goodbyes and then that was it. This fun way of spending the weekend was, apart from the last remaining party, done. The Sunday party is generally quieter than the proceding two. Mainly because a lot of the attendees go home that evening. Variety of reasons for this from needing to be in work/school the next day or just saving a few pennies for the next con (theses things are addictive and should carry a health warning! May cause serious damage to your bank balance!). But your's truly had a few pints to finish off. Or rather I would have had a few pints had the hotel not run out of beer thus meaning any lager drinkers had to switch to bottles. Still, it all goes down the same way.
Monday was a curiously quiet hotel morning. Until the fire alarm went off. Wouldn't have minded too much except I was in the middle of breakfast and drinking my brew. So I did the only thing I could. Took the cup of tea outside and drank it there. Excitement over I returned to my room, packed the remaining things into my bag and left the room. A few goodbyes to those I saw in the lobby and I was away home having had a rather excellent time.
So.. the con lurgy.
This is the reason why I'm writing this while coughing and spluttering. Caused (I think) by the hotel's air con, or possibly the close proximity to 1000 other people, it is a common affliction in the after con week. But the worst is over so I'll be fine for the works do next Saturday.
There is more that could be said but I won't. I know I know, I'm mean. But you really should just go to one yourself. Seriously you should.
Anyway, to finish off, here is a picture of me standing next to a Dalek.
So the next one will be about Christmas. Unless the world ends tomorrow in which case it was nice knowing you.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
First Entry Into Room 101
First let me begin by saying that I know what the original Room 101 in the novel 1984 was.
To quote:
"You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world."
But in this case the Room 101 I'm referring to is the TV show where you try to get rid of everything you hate. So the first thing I want to banish is....
*Drum Roll*
Yes that. Putting stuff like 'M8' when you mean 'mate' or getting rid of those silly little trivialities in the english language like grammar and punctuation so it looks like it was sent by a semi-illiterate chav. Thankfully most of my friends don't use it. But there are some. And it annoys me.
I mean, for one it takes longer to figure out what the message is saying if it's sent in text speak as opposed to normal english. The message looks so much better if it's written correctly so people should write it like that.
Secondly it's because I can't do it. I tried once, but before I sent the message felt compelled to put it right before sending it. This, I realise, is opening myself up to the argument that I'm out of touch. But if writing messages to someone and using the correct spelling, punctuation and grammar is 'out of touch' then so be it. At least you'll be able to read what I'm saying.
So there you are.
Now... anyone want to argue 'for' it?
To quote:
"You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world."
But in this case the Room 101 I'm referring to is the TV show where you try to get rid of everything you hate. So the first thing I want to banish is....
*Drum Roll*
Yes that. Putting stuff like 'M8' when you mean 'mate' or getting rid of those silly little trivialities in the english language like grammar and punctuation so it looks like it was sent by a semi-illiterate chav. Thankfully most of my friends don't use it. But there are some. And it annoys me.
I mean, for one it takes longer to figure out what the message is saying if it's sent in text speak as opposed to normal english. The message looks so much better if it's written correctly so people should write it like that.
Secondly it's because I can't do it. I tried once, but before I sent the message felt compelled to put it right before sending it. This, I realise, is opening myself up to the argument that I'm out of touch. But if writing messages to someone and using the correct spelling, punctuation and grammar is 'out of touch' then so be it. At least you'll be able to read what I'm saying.
So there you are.
Now... anyone want to argue 'for' it?
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Haircuts and Doctor Who
Well, today I got a haircut.
I'll give you a moment to recover from that announcement. Maybe the shock will be softened by the fact that it wasn't much of a haircut. I haven't had it restyled (one of the topics of conversation I overheard while waiting was whether people come in with a photograph and ask for whatever hairstyle said person in the picture has. Apparently this happens quite often). I haven't had a Beiber (hairstyle asked for quite a lot according to aforementioned conversation), nor am I now blonde with purple highlights. No, it was just cut shorter. Which brings with some benefits: Firstly it takes a lot less time to dry after a shower and, secondly, it hides away the ever increasing number of grey hairs that seem to be appearing. Yes, sadly, I think I've left it too late to start playing around with 'Just For Men'. So why get it cut I hear you ask..
I'll give you a moment to recover from that announcement. Maybe the shock will be softened by the fact that it wasn't much of a haircut. I haven't had it restyled (one of the topics of conversation I overheard while waiting was whether people come in with a photograph and ask for whatever hairstyle said person in the picture has. Apparently this happens quite often). I haven't had a Beiber (hairstyle asked for quite a lot according to aforementioned conversation), nor am I now blonde with purple highlights. No, it was just cut shorter. Which brings with some benefits: Firstly it takes a lot less time to dry after a shower and, secondly, it hides away the ever increasing number of grey hairs that seem to be appearing. Yes, sadly, I think I've left it too late to start playing around with 'Just For Men'. So why get it cut I hear you ask..
This time in two weeks it will the work's Christmas do. But we'll come to that some other time because this time next week I, along with several hundred other fans, will be in a hotel on the outskirts of Birmingham for a Doctor Who convention. Now before you run off thinking that I'm a clichéd weirdo with no social skills, let me tell you that they are fun, the people are normal everyday people and everyone has a good time. Ok, in a crowd of five hundred or so, you are bound to get the odd one that you would cross the road to avoid but I have to say that in the 15 years that I have been attending these conventions I have come across less than a handful. Unless I'm the weirdo and everyone is avoiding me..
Besides there are football fans who can probably tell you every player to score in every FA cup final since 1950 or something and nobody accuses them of being a couple chips short of a butty. By the way, that's 'football' not 'soccer' to any americans reading this. Our game, our name geddit?
So anyway, I digress, the conventions. It's a Doctor Who convention as I said with the weekend's headline guest from the show being one David Tennant. Yes, that's right David Tennant. The tenth and probably most popular Doctor (though, because I'm of that age, MY Doctor is number 5 Peter Davison). So were you to accidently end up in the same hotel expect to see Daleks, the odd Tardis and more people in tenth Doctor costumes than you can shake a sonic screwdriver at. But relax, have fun, and join the party. We're nuts but it's a good nuts. It's a happy, friendly nuts so come and join us. The water is lovely and warm.
So why did I get my haircut?
Simple really. I got it cut so that it wouldn't be too long over the Christmas break and, with Doctor Who conventions and parties over the next couple of weeks, this was the best time to get it done. See, there is method to my madness.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Pretty lights in the streets and lottery results
On Friday night my home town switched on the Christmas lights, lighting up the main street, in a display of glittering colour not seen during the rest of the year. And they look really nice. The council recently replaced all the old bulbs with LED ones (save on the old leccy bill apparently) which, though not as bright, to me bring a more refined and restrained look and feel to the display. Plus, they look just as good when you are approaching the main street from the top of high street. So well done to the council.
Which I guess means that it must be getting near Christmas. Though you wouldn't have noticed this what with the complete lack of advertising about it (*sarcasm mode off*). And I don't just mean the likes of John Lewis, M&S et al, but also the number of compilation albums that are being released at this time of year . You know the sort: The very best of Neil Diamond or American Anthems. The type of album that only ever comes out at Christmas so you'll have something to buy for your dad or the-relative-you-don't-know-very-well-and-only-want-to-spend-about-a-tenner-on. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but occasionally you wish these companies would show a little more imagination. Or is that just me?
And now, changing tack...
A week ago it was pointed out to me that in my stars in the Daily Mirror's telly section that this week I was due a slice of luck and that maybe I should get those lottery tickets because you never know.. (or something along those lines anyway). Now I'm normally one who regards this type of thing as a load of old twaddle but as an experiment born out of a whim, and so I would have something to write on here, I thought I would give it a try and see what happens. Normally I only do the Saturday draw (two lucky dips to be specific) so throughout this week I bought a ticket for the two Euromillions draws, the Thunderball draws and the Wednesday main draw. A grand total of seven quid was spent. And what did I win? Zip, ziltch, nada, nowt. In short: Sod all. Which I think goes to prove that either I'm very unlucky or that star signs in newspapers are a load of cobblers. Either way, I think its only fair that the Mirror gives me seven pounds in recompense.
Which I guess means that it must be getting near Christmas. Though you wouldn't have noticed this what with the complete lack of advertising about it (*sarcasm mode off*). And I don't just mean the likes of John Lewis, M&S et al, but also the number of compilation albums that are being released at this time of year . You know the sort: The very best of Neil Diamond or American Anthems. The type of album that only ever comes out at Christmas so you'll have something to buy for your dad or the-relative-you-don't-know-very-well-and-only-want-to-spend-about-a-tenner-on. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but occasionally you wish these companies would show a little more imagination. Or is that just me?
And now, changing tack...
A week ago it was pointed out to me that in my stars in the Daily Mirror's telly section that this week I was due a slice of luck and that maybe I should get those lottery tickets because you never know.. (or something along those lines anyway). Now I'm normally one who regards this type of thing as a load of old twaddle but as an experiment born out of a whim, and so I would have something to write on here, I thought I would give it a try and see what happens. Normally I only do the Saturday draw (two lucky dips to be specific) so throughout this week I bought a ticket for the two Euromillions draws, the Thunderball draws and the Wednesday main draw. A grand total of seven quid was spent. And what did I win? Zip, ziltch, nada, nowt. In short: Sod all. Which I think goes to prove that either I'm very unlucky or that star signs in newspapers are a load of cobblers. Either way, I think its only fair that the Mirror gives me seven pounds in recompense.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
The difficult second post struggle
Good afternoon!
(Or good morning, good evening or whatever time it is where you are reading this. But it's 4:30pm Sunday afternoon where I am.)
It's interesting this blogging lark, isn't it? You start off with just the one to see how it works and then you start to wonder what to put into the second one. And the third one. And then the fourth one... But first things first. You have to write the second one yet. So what to put into it?
It's a bit more about me.
I'm a writer. Ish. I'm trying to be a writer. I have been trying for about five years or so. I have completed a first draft of a ghost story novel. Seriously I have. At the moment it's lying in a folder on a bookshelf just waiting to be edited. As is a play I wrote. They took a good long time to write as I tend to write in spurts. I have no idea what to do with them.
But I also have written quite a few short stories. Some not bad. And that's when I had the big idea which came along at the same time as I got a Kindle. And when a friend of mine told me that he had put his novel on there I decided that's what I would do. And what I'm currently doing. But not with the novel. That needs lots of work doing to it. Anyway. around March to about June this year I had, I think, written a couple of stories in quick succession. And they were ok. One called 'Best Served Cold' was pretty good. So, I thought to myself, I'm going to write about ten of these stories and put them into an anthology which I will then whack on to the Kindle and see what happens. At the time I had three (I think!) completed stories so I wanted another seven. The last one I got done was number seven. That was about two, maybe three, weeks ago. A couple of ideas were stewing in the back of mind over the course of the last couple of weeks but nothing was ready to go the page. This weekend, one started to come to the fore. Images started appearing in my mind, characters are starting to form and take shape. So I got out my art pad (I brainstorm ideas onto an A3 piece of paper) and started to fire stuff at the page. We're still not ready to get the story going just yet but the time of magic, when the characters start moving and talking and having lives of their own, is getting near. The good thing about this blog is that I'll be able to put down any thoughts I have as I go along.
So that's one of my interests.
But if you want to know what I'm like personality wise...
Think Leonard from The Big Bang Theory only with a english accent and a smaller IQ. Yes, I know this has no relevance to what has been written in this update but, hey, my mind goes off on tangents sometimes and I've learnt over the years to just let it go. You lot are just going to have to try and keep up.
Ta ta for now!
(Or good morning, good evening or whatever time it is where you are reading this. But it's 4:30pm Sunday afternoon where I am.)
It's interesting this blogging lark, isn't it? You start off with just the one to see how it works and then you start to wonder what to put into the second one. And the third one. And then the fourth one... But first things first. You have to write the second one yet. So what to put into it?
It's a bit more about me.
I'm a writer. Ish. I'm trying to be a writer. I have been trying for about five years or so. I have completed a first draft of a ghost story novel. Seriously I have. At the moment it's lying in a folder on a bookshelf just waiting to be edited. As is a play I wrote. They took a good long time to write as I tend to write in spurts. I have no idea what to do with them.
But I also have written quite a few short stories. Some not bad. And that's when I had the big idea which came along at the same time as I got a Kindle. And when a friend of mine told me that he had put his novel on there I decided that's what I would do. And what I'm currently doing. But not with the novel. That needs lots of work doing to it. Anyway. around March to about June this year I had, I think, written a couple of stories in quick succession. And they were ok. One called 'Best Served Cold' was pretty good. So, I thought to myself, I'm going to write about ten of these stories and put them into an anthology which I will then whack on to the Kindle and see what happens. At the time I had three (I think!) completed stories so I wanted another seven. The last one I got done was number seven. That was about two, maybe three, weeks ago. A couple of ideas were stewing in the back of mind over the course of the last couple of weeks but nothing was ready to go the page. This weekend, one started to come to the fore. Images started appearing in my mind, characters are starting to form and take shape. So I got out my art pad (I brainstorm ideas onto an A3 piece of paper) and started to fire stuff at the page. We're still not ready to get the story going just yet but the time of magic, when the characters start moving and talking and having lives of their own, is getting near. The good thing about this blog is that I'll be able to put down any thoughts I have as I go along.
So that's one of my interests.
But if you want to know what I'm like personality wise...
Think Leonard from The Big Bang Theory only with a english accent and a smaller IQ. Yes, I know this has no relevance to what has been written in this update but, hey, my mind goes off on tangents sometimes and I've learnt over the years to just let it go. You lot are just going to have to try and keep up.
Ta ta for now!
Friday, 23 November 2012
So here I am
"Get a blog" they said
"It will be fun" they said.
"You need to lay the groundworks for a fanbase when you are a published author" they said. (Well, ok, only one person said this but you get the point.)
So the great experiment begins.....
Blog, blog, bloggy, blog
All I see here is a blank page and it's my job to fill it with some words. About what exactly?
"Anything you like" they said. (See it's them again. Mouthy little buggers.)
Right then.
So, from now till the time comes when I can't be arsed continuing with this, I shall attempt to inform and entertain you, my worshipping follower, with my eyes view of how the world works. Or in some cases, how it doesn't work. Sometimes I'll endeavour to fill you in on my latest exploits in the field of creative writing. Sometimes it will be about Doctor Who. Other times it might be about the grey cat down the road. My mind wanders about the place, hence the title of this blog.
But by way of an introduction (Don't worry, I'll sort the rest of this out later)...
I'm Colin.
I'm 37 (at time of writing). If you're reading this in the year 3475 then I'm dead. Unless I became fabulously wealthy and cryogenics has recently cured whatever it was that killed me and has successfully returned me back to health.
I'm single.
I like science fiction, Everton FC and rock music.
Well, would you look at that. Words. On the page.
The great experiment has started....
"It will be fun" they said.
"You need to lay the groundworks for a fanbase when you are a published author" they said. (Well, ok, only one person said this but you get the point.)
So the great experiment begins.....
Blog, blog, bloggy, blog
All I see here is a blank page and it's my job to fill it with some words. About what exactly?
"Anything you like" they said. (See it's them again. Mouthy little buggers.)
Right then.
So, from now till the time comes when I can't be arsed continuing with this, I shall attempt to inform and entertain you, my worshipping follower, with my eyes view of how the world works. Or in some cases, how it doesn't work. Sometimes I'll endeavour to fill you in on my latest exploits in the field of creative writing. Sometimes it will be about Doctor Who. Other times it might be about the grey cat down the road. My mind wanders about the place, hence the title of this blog.
But by way of an introduction (Don't worry, I'll sort the rest of this out later)...
I'm Colin.
I'm 37 (at time of writing). If you're reading this in the year 3475 then I'm dead. Unless I became fabulously wealthy and cryogenics has recently cured whatever it was that killed me and has successfully returned me back to health.
I'm single.
I like science fiction, Everton FC and rock music.
Well, would you look at that. Words. On the page.
The great experiment has started....
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