Friday, 8 January 2016

A quick story - 8th January 2016

Yes, I'm back my lovely little friends. With a bit of an experiment. Each week there will be a bit of monkey writing after getting a random word form a word generator experiment.

This is the plan.
1: Get the word
2: Write the first thing that comes into my head
3: Type it up and put it on here very quickly.

Now it doesn't have to be right good. In fact it probably won't be. It won't be very long either. There may be inconsistencies from one sentence to another. And it might not make a lot of sense. But to hell with it. 

So here we go:
The word for this week was : SPEAKER

And here is the story:

Three words. That's all. Three words. A voice through the speaker, Every speaker all over the world. Saying the same thing over and over and over. Everyone heard it. But everyone heard it in their own language. Wherever they were. Which ever country they were in, at home or on foreign soil, they heard it in their own mother tongue.
There was panic. After all it isn't everyday that an alien fleet enters your planet's atmosphere and parks a fleet of ships over the capital cities of the world. Then all the signals went dead. Simultaneously, all over the globe, communications were lost for five minutes. Only to return as if nothing had happened.
Then the voice over every speaker. A cold, metallic computer voice.

"Prepare to die"

So what do you think?