Sunday, 27 April 2014

5th Entry into Room 101

Well hello there my little reader friends.

Now then spring is in the air. Lighter nights, warmer weather, flowers starting to bloom, buds on the trees and the sound of birdsong filling the morning air. The time for renewal and rebirth so you might think that this is the time of the year to start again with hope and a new sense of  cheerful optimism.


Rest assured my little friends, I'll still be the grumpy git you've all come to know and love.

Starting now with the next entry into Room 101. And this time its going to be an article of clothing that all sensible, normal, down to earth people will recoil in horror at the very sight of...

The Onesie

I mean, seriously, who in their right mind would wear one? Or maybe I should rephrase that. Who, in their right mind, would wear one in public? More specifically who would wear one in a supermarket? There is a reason why I said supermarket.

It happened this time last week my little reader friends. I had gone back to see Mum and Dad for Easter. It was also the weekend before my dad officially became a pensioner (no really it was). Now I left them on Sunday afternoon for the drive back up to this here flat. Normally I do my weekly big shop on a Sunday morning but this time I had to do it on a Sunday evening. So there I am, pushing a trolley around the various isles deciding what I want, innocently minding my own business when I spotted her. And to be fair she was spotted. For it was a leopard print onesie my friends. She looked, well, stupid. Now, to be fair, I myself generally have all the sartorial elegance of someone who has been dragged through a hedge... backwards....several times. I think the phrase 'scruffy little git' was pretty invented just for me.


At least I can manage to put on some jeans and a jumper before heading to the milk section of Asda so I don't see why everyone else can't manage the same.

So I urge anyone who currently owns such an offending garment to burn it at the earliest opportunity and bring a semblance of sanity to the world.

So now, without further ado, its time to commit The Onesie to Room 101.

*A couple of minutes later there was also a bloke who looked like he was wearing his pajamas and don't get me started with that one...

Ta ta for now. :)