Sunday, 1 December 2013

There now follows.. a brief pause

Well hello my lovely reader friends,

Settle down at the back now. I know its been a while since you've last had to come this way. And it's getting close to Christmas (it's alright we can use the word now it's December) so you're all no doubt very busy 


I hope there are a lot of you (okay, a few of you. The odd one or two anyway. What do you mean nobody. hmmph) out there in the wilds of cyberspace wondering where I have been.

And the answer is that I'm on the move. It's one of those work based thing you know. The big bosses have had the idea to close the lab where I was working and give everyone the opportunity to move to the sister lab up in Glasgow. And I have taken that opportunity. Now for the past couple of weeks I've been travelling up and down the M6 and M74 (don't you just love the way the same stretch of road has a different name once it crosses the border), but now the time has come my little friends to move up there permanently.

So there will be a brief recess while I sort out my internet and get everything just the way I want it in my new flat.

I know you'll miss me in the short term but, fear not my reader friends, I shall return bigger and better than ever with new adventures in Paisley (where I'll be living) and the Glasgow area.

The more astute among you will notice that I've also changed the look of this blog after a few suggestions were made. It's now a bit brighter and hopefully easier on the eye. So what do you think?

Ta ta for now